
Monday, August 30, 2004

The Butt Scratcher

My son Ryan is a most unique individual.

Although his array of quirks, phobias, and dazed inattentiveness can make you want to scream and pull your hair out, his unending ability to laugh at himself makes you forget all that and you can't help but smile and laugh right along with him. He's very funny. But not the telling jokes kind of funny. In fact, a portion of his weekly allowance is for NOT making up jokes. That particular torture, no one should have to endure. But he has been amusing us from a very early age.

When he was around 3-years-old and my wife was teaching him new games or reading him new books, she would often preface the situation by saying, "I used to like this when I was a little girl." She said it quite often until the day she was showing Ryan a new book and he followed her usual statement with, "Mommy, did I used to like this when I was a little girl?" After that day she just remarked she used to like whatever it was when she was little.

Yes my son is a nut. He would be the first to grin and proclaim that fact proudly. And I could easily write a book on things he has said and done.

That's why what happened this morning did not seem that unusual, for us anyway.

My 12-year-old, 7th grader missed school this morning because his butt itched.

I am not making this up.

He is a magnet for any insect that bites and daily has bites on some part of his body. And this morning he had a bite on his butt that was driving him crazy. My wife suggested putting some ointment on it and said she would take him to school later when it stopped itching. As she put it, "The poor boy has enough problems as is without the stigma of being labeled a butt scratcher."

And that just about says it all.


Blogger Envoy-ette said...

He and my Daniel would be fast friends!

1:10 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

I have a blog and I talk a lot about my daughter with Asperger's. My husband just happened on your blog accidentally. Anyway, I got called into school this year because she would not stop scratching her butt:)

8:57 PM  

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