
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Sci Fi Wire -- The News Service of the Sci Fi Channel: "Trek XI In Development?
Star Trek producer Rick Berman told the British Dreamwatch magazine that he is now developing an 11th Trek movie, according to a report on the TrekWeb fan site. 'I am involved in the very early stages of what could be the next Star Trek movie,' Berman reportedly told the magazine. 'It's something I will be producing with two other producers.'
Berman said the proposed movie would be a prequel, but declined to elaborate. In the wake of the poor box-office performance of Star Trek Nemesis, the 10th film in the franchise, cast members and others have been widely quoted as saying that there will be no more Trek movies featuring the characters from The Next Generation.
Earlier, the Dark Horizons Web site reported a rumor that Paramount was developing a Starfleet Command movie project.
Berman also told the magazine that he is developing a non-Trek SF TV series with Star Trek: Enterprise producing partner Brannon Braga."


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