
Thursday, April 08, 2004

'Wonderfalls' Down the Drain MSN Entertainment - News - Circus Ring: "In yet another example of a network failing to give a critically lauded new series time to find an audience, Fox has lowered the ax on 'Wonderfalls' after just four episodes. 'We're cancelled. Effective at once,' disappointed exec producer (and former 'Buffy' bigwig) Tim Minear said Saturday on the website. 'The cow creamer will be silent this Thursday and forever forward.'
The show starred Caroline Dhavernas as disaffected Ivy League grad Jaye Tyler, who reluctantly helped people in need through messages received from kitschy tchotchkes. Fox doomed the quirky series to the Nielsen wasteland that is Friday night at 9 p.m., where it unsurprisingly failed to draw large numbers. A move last week to ultra-competitive Thursday night didn't help.
Minear hopes the remaining 'Wonderfalls' episodes will find an afterlife on DVD: 'The thirteen taken as a whole tell a story and go to a place, so a run of this 'limited' series would not be unsatisfying elsewhere.' But he cautions fans not to waste their time or money trying to rescue the series from its inevitable 'Brilliant but Canceled' future. Insists Minear, 'Ain't gonna happen.'"


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